Thank you to everyone who joined our first virtual rally as we began this journey towards creating a new political coalition in the San Fernando Valley (CA-30) committed to the fight for economic justice and racial equity. Shervin hopes to oust a corporate democrat by leading a people-first campaign driven by a progressive vision and the institutional reforms that directly serve the working class. Shervin was joined by local community leaders and experts to discuss our top policies priorities:
Land Recognition
Mark Villaseñor, Vice President at Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
Universal Housing for All
Antoinette Scully, Community Organizer, Founder of Valley Justice Coalition
Kim Olsen, Housing Activist, West Valley People’s Alliance
A 21st Century Public Health System including Medicare for All
Betty Toto, Chief Technical Officer at Healthcare for All CA, VP at Feel the Bern Democratic Club (San Fernando Valley)
A Green New Deal focused on Environmental Justice
Abby Austin, Youth Climate Activist and Organizer, Sunrise Movement LA
Celia Cody-Carrese, Organizer, Sunrise Movement LA
A Decriminalized Immigration System
Annaly Medrano, DSA-LA Steering Committee At-Larger Officer, and the Alliance to Defend Im/migrants Steering Board